Most of the Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers of MoreThanData are also on staff or volunteer with their local Habitat for Humanity Affiliates. They are using Keystone to manage their own Affiliates to great success, and it has revolutionized the way Affiliates are doing business each day.
Keystone began 15 years ago as a solution designed to meet the needs of a single Affiliate. Since then, it has evolved into the only comprehensive solution designed by staff and volunteers of Affiliates to exclusively meet the unique business and information needs of Affiliates everywhere.
Now, over 400 Affiliates use Keystone, with more joining each month, to raise more money, build more houses, and manage all of their mission-critical information in one program.
Collectively, we have over 100 years of Affiliate experience, and every day we bring that experience to bear on making Keystone and our other software products the best possible information management solution for all Affiliates.
And we continually develop and support all of our information solutions ourselves, with development, technical support, and training services. So when we say “Software by Affiliates, for Affiliates,” we literally mean every word of it.