We offer discounts for newly-chartered affiliates!
Since MoreThanData is managed by volunteers and staff from affiliates just like you, we understand how difficult it is to start up a new affiliate. Therefore, we would like to contribute to making the life of your affiliate easier and help get you started off right.
During the first 12 months from when they are chartered, affiliates are eligible for a discount on Keystone. The cost of Keystone for newly-chartered affiliates is $100. This will also include the one-year subscription and technical support, updates, and upgrades.
To order, please print the MTD Order Form for Newly-Chartered Affiliates and send it along with your check.
If you have questions, please contact us toll-free at 1-800-455-5617, or by e-mail at support@morethandata.org.
Please feel free to share this news with any newly-chartered affiliates in your area!
Last revised: September 17, 2007